Our Story…
Being the daughter of long time University of Arizona Agricultural Extension Agent, had it’s influence on young Mary (Harris) McKay. She followed her dad, Richard Duke Harris, around his garden, age 3, with her own cut-off handled shovel in hand, ready to help. Throughout her childhood Mary often accompanied him as he consulted folks all around Santa Cruz County answering tree questions, grape vine questions, insect and disease infestation questions. He was the county Extension Director so that meant Mary was also enrolled in 4-H from age 9-18. That time and experience with her dad propelled her after his passing to pursue her passion for plants in a more advanced way.
Mary went back to college in 2007 after her oldest 2 children, Elizabeth and Sydney McKay started elementary school. She drove daily to the University of Arizona, a 140 mile round trip from Patagonia, to earn her bachelor’s degree in Plant Science and Sustainable Plant Systems with emphasis on Environmental Horticulture in 2013. After graduation she pursued the master’s program in Landscape Architecture for 2 years, but found that sitting in front of a computer screen all day was not her cup of tea and did not fulfill her passion. Plus she was expecting a third child, Benjamin.
Along the way she helped her sisters open a 'you pick’ farm called Harris Heritage Growers in Sonoita, AZ which closed in 2020. After it’s closing, Mary was feeling downright depressed not to have her hands in the dirt. One day over morning coffee, her husband Kevin McKay said “Why don’t we just get you a big greenhouse? Let’s just do it.” With the uncertainty of the pandemic, a greenhouse was not a bad investment and he could see she loved to grow things. And he was right! She needed to watch things grow almost like she needed to breath. Without plants in her life, Mary McKay would not be Mary McKay.
Since 2022, when a town lot right on the main street was offered to them for sale, the family works together with a little help from family and friends, to provide healthy, locally sourced plants. They offer annuals, perennials, trees, shrubs, vines, indoor plants, succulents and more. Many of which are grown by them in their backyard greenhouse in the heart of Patagonia.
At Patagonia Plants nursery you will also find potting soils and amendments, pottery of all shapes and sizes, as well as plant related gifts and more. They are always adding something new.
Occasionally they offer classes and artisan markets.
Mary also offers landscape and garden consultations. She does not usually draw up plans but she can give advice about what to do with your garden or landscape which is helpful for beginners or seasoned gardeners.
Looking for something special? They take requests and special orders not only for specific plants or trees but also for potted plant or succulents arrangements for individuals or special events.
“We are rural and sometimes people don’t want to or can’t make the drive to the nearest city for plants and supplies. That’s why we’re here! We have what you need or we can get it. And our prices are quite competitive compared to the large nurseries in Tucson or even the nearest big box stores. What’s more is our plants come with advice! Why not give local a try?"-Mary